
American students can only choose to take the SAT and ACT just once each year.

A. 对
B. 错


Only college students can choose dual-enrollment courses.

A. 对
B. 错

Students choose dual-enrollment because they can go to college and find their areas of interest and possibly graduate from college early.

A. 对
B. 错

Which statement about taking AP courses is not true ? ( )

A. They can help you stand out on you college applications.
B. They can give you college credits.
C. They will help you skip introductory college courses entirely.
D. They will offer less opportunities for the willing and academically prepared students.

田力是某大型企业集团的总裁助力,年富力强,在助理岗位上工作得十分出色。他最近被任命为集团销售总公司的总经理,从而由一个参谋人员变成了独立部门的负责人。下面是田力最近参与的几项活动,你认为这其中的哪一项几乎与他的领导职能无关( )

A. 向下属传达他对销售工作目标的认识
B. 与某用户谈判以期达成一项长期销售协议
C. 召集各地分公司经理讨论和协调销售计划的落实情况
D. 召集公司有关部门的职能人员开联谊会,鼓励他们克服难关。
