下列关于SQL Server 2008中身份验证模式的说法,错误的是 ( )
A. Windows身份验证模式仅允许Windows用户登录到SQL Server
B. 混合身份验证模式仅允许SQL Server授权用户登录到SQL Server
C. 混合身份验证模式允许Windows和SQL Server授权用户登录到SQL Server
D. 混合身份验证模式包括Windows身份验证模式和SQL Server身份验证模式
The bank has no branches in Europe.
A. 对
B. 错
The bank is small compared to other local ones in Singapore.
A. 对
B. 错
The bank keeps on introducing innovations into the market.
A. 对
B. 错
The bank has won many awards.
A. 对
B. 错