A. 重大责任事故罪
B. 消防责任事故罪
C. 重大劳动安全事故罪
D. 工程重大安全事故罪
某县级消防救援机构在检查某市场时,发现该市场存在严重消防安全隐患,当日送达整改通知书。市场消防安全责任人在整改通知书签字,但未整改,也没有出具整改方案。后来该市场发生火灾事故,致3人重伤,50万元直接经济损失。根据上述情节,该市场消防安全责任人应按( )追究刑事责任。
A. 重大责任事故罪
B. 消防责任事故罪
C. 重大劳动安全事故罪
D. 未达追诉标准,不需追究刑事责任
compensate transform estimate response access analyze strain meansadoptat a disadvantage add totake the leadvisit withaccount for be tied to1. The president said that they were trying to their university into a top school in the country.2. Students in the university have free to the computer lab.3. Many young mothers the home and children.4. We wrote to the manager to complain about the poor service, but received no yet.5. Homework should not be used as a of controlling children.6. The teacher our mistakes in order to help us find the causes.7. Her refusal has the uncertainty of the situation.8. If you want to improve your situation, you must a positive attitude.9. He is so busy that he hardly has time to his friends.10. The team for the first time this season.11. According to the survey, students and children more than 50% of the visitors last year.12. With so many changes, it is very difficult to the exact cost of this project.13. Nothing can for the loss of one’s health.14. His inability to speak English put him in the interview.15. He spoke so softly. I to hear what he was saying.
A. 淬硬性
B. 淬透性
C. 耐磨性
A. 增大Vk
B. 增加其淬透性
C. 减小其淬透性
D. 增大其淬硬性