

A. 正确
B. 错误


我国《继承法》第28条规定:“遗产分割时,应当保留胎儿的继承份额。胎儿出生时是死体的,保留的份额按照法定继承办理。”这一规定说明 ()

A. 我国现有法律已经承认胎儿具有民事权利能力
B. 我国现有法律已经承认胎儿具有部分民事权利能力
C. 我国现有法律已经承认胎儿可以以自己的名义享有权利
D. 我国现有法律尚未承认胎儿具有民事权利能力


A. and
B. or
C. when
D. since

甲公司与乙公司签订了一份进口机床租赁合同,在租赁期内,甲公司将出租的该机床卖给了丙公司。下列表述正确的是 ()

A. 在租赁期内,甲公司不能将租赁物出卖给丙公司
B. 该买卖合同须征得乙公司同意后才产生法律效力
C. 该买卖合同有效,原租赁合同丙公司继续有效
D. 该买卖合同有效,原租赁合同须丙公司同意后才继续有效

Following the principles of decoration that were so successful in the past, you should first take a long look at the house and its surroundings and consider possible limitations. The first concerns the amount of color and intensity in the daylight in Britain. Colors that look perfectly in keeping with the sunny, clear skies of the Mediterranean would look too harsh in the grayer light of the north. Since bright light is uncomfortable for the eyes, colors must be strong in order to be seen clearly. Viewed in a dimmer light they appear too bright. It is easy to see this if you look at a brick house while the sun is alternately shining and then going behind a cloud. The brickwork colors look much more intense when the sun is hidden.
The second limitation is the colors of the surroundings: the colors which go best with Cotswold stone and a rolling green countryside will be different from those that look best by the sea or in a red-brick/blue-slate industrial town. In every area there are always colors that at once look in keeping.
In many areas there are distinctive traditions in the use of color that may be a useful guide. The eastern counties of England and Scot land, particularly those with a local tradition of rendering or plastering, use colors applied solidly over the wall. Usually only the window frames and doors are picked out in another color, often white or pale gray. Typical wall colors are the pink associated with Suffolk and pale buffs and yellows of Fife. Much stronger colors such as deep earth red, orange, blue and green are also common. In the coastal villages of Essex, as well as inland in Hertfordshire, the house-fronts of overlapping boards are traditionally painted black—originally tarred like ships—with windows and doors outlined in white. In stone areas of Yorkshire and farther north, color is rarer: the houses are usually left in their natural color, though many are painted white as they probably all were once.
According to the passage when putting paint on the outside of your house, you should be careful ______.

A. not to let other people interfere
B. to use paint that will withstand both winter and summer conditions
C. to take into account the general appearance of the area
D. to allow for slight fading of the colors
