

A. 对称阵
B. 可逆
C. 任意阵
D. 各阶顺序主子式均不为零


Arrange each of the sequences below in order, from the most abstract word to the most concrete word.(1) farm crops, agriculture, vegetables, potatoes, produce(2) EU, world, Spain, continents, Europe(3) housing complex, building, dining room, structure, apartment(4) Mona Lisa, art, painting, creative activity, portrait(5) automobile, vehicle, Ferrari, transportation, sports car

Rewrite each of the following sentences using clear, familiar words.(1) My employment objective is to attain a position of maximum financial reward.(2) All professors at this school are expected to achieve high standards of excellence in their instructional duties.(3) In the eventuality of fire, it is imperative that all persons evacuate the building without undue delay.(4)All responsibilities connected with the recruiting of new members rest with the club chairman.

Each of the statements below uses one or more of the following stylistic devices: metaphor, simile, parallelism, repetition, alliteration, antithesis. Identify the device (or devices) used in each statement.(1) We must be candid, consistent, and confident.(2) Our opinions have no permanence; like autumn and winter, they gradually pass away.(3) Government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.(4) The task is heavy, the toil is long, and the trials will be server.(5) From the great grief of one boy’s death came a seed. And from that seed has grown a tree of understanding, a tree that now blossoms with the beauty of friendship and cooperation.(6) We are a people in a quandary about the present. We are a people in search of our future. We are a people in search of a national community.(7) Your success as a family, our success as a society, depends not on what happens at the White House, but on what happens inside your house.

Edit the following paragraph to eliminate the unnecessary words. You should be able to find more than 35 words in the paragraph. If you don’t find that many, go back to the paragraph and edit it again.The tricolor pottery of the Tang Dynasty is best known among people for its exquisite designs, brilliant colors, and vivid images. Making the pottery involves more than 30 processes, which is quite a large number. Baked twice at different temperatures, the clay bases are accented with soft glazes in the colors of amber, green and yellow. Tang pottery was used mainly as burial objects for the dead in ancient China, a custom that has kept many of these old and ancient relics from being destroyed across the centuries that have passed since they were first made so very long ago. Each year, archaeologists unearth from the ground more magnificent works from the period of the Tang dynasty. These priceless works are part of China’s priceless artistic heritage.
