
Which is the weakestlevels of cohesion in software design_______?

A. Procedural cohesion
B. Coincidental cohesion
C. Temporal cohesion
D. Functional cohesion


Which is the strongest level of cohesion in software design _______?

A. Proceduralcohesion
B. Logicalcohesion
C. Functionalcohesion
D. Objectcohesion

Which of the followingcohesion levels has the highest strength______?

A. Procedural cohesion
B. Logical association
C. Temporal cohesion
D. Coincidentalcohesion

Why can polymorphism(多态)and dynamic binding(动态绑定)have a negative impact(负面影响)oninheritance?

A. This statement is not true. Like all object-oriented concepts polymorphismand dynamic binding make modules more cohesive and lower coupling.
B. They make the object harder to understand as there are multiplepossibilities for a specific method.
C. They involve more work as changes have to be made to the super class.
D. They involve more work as changes have to be made to all of the subclasses.

A class is an Abstract Data Type that supports_______。

A. polymorphism(多态)
B. binding
C. encapsulation(封装)
D. inheritance
