marketvarietyrhythmvacationelegantclimateapplyleisure5. How could they have stopped to ________ for official documents?
marketvarietyrhythmvacationelegantclimateapplyleisure6. Animal products add flavor and ________ to diet and thereby contribute to psychological well-being.
marketvarietyrhythmvacationelegantclimateapplyleisure7. Near the southwestern corner, the ________ is mild and springlike in winter.
marketvarietyrhythmvacationelegantclimateapplyleisure8. The inflexibility of the country’s labor ________ seriously impedes its economic recovery.
某企业购入设备一台,实际支付买价5000元,支付运杂费500元,安装费1000元,增值税进项税850元。则该设备的入账原值为( )元。
A. 6500;
B. 6100;
C. 7350;
D. 5000。