热电偶温度表是由两种不同的金属或合金焊接一起,构成一个闭合回路。回路中将会产生电动势,两端的温度差异越( ),电动势越高。
比湿q 为湿空气中水汽质量与( )之比, 单位g/kg。
What might not be believed by the author?
A. Power is a basic need
B. Learning is a natural pleasure and good teaching should satisfy the students’ need for fun.
C. The need for power is written in people’s genes
D. Power is a moral issue
“When someone uses his power to help downtrodden people satisfy any of their needs, especially to get some power, this use of power is humane.” In this sentence, the underlined word “humane” means________.
A. humanitarian
B. cruel
C. human
D. malicious
Most of us cannot get through a day without complaint; to be satisfied with how others have treated us for a week would seem like an eternity.
A. part of the predicate
B. adverbial of purpose
C. adverbial of result
D. subject