Which sentence is the topic sentence?
A. When you were younger, your mother cautioned you not to act like an animal.
B. What mother did not realize is that much of the world holds animals in such high regard that they use animals' names for their organizations and products.
C. For instance, many professional sports teams, such as the Tigers and the Rams, have chosen animal names to suggest power.
D. Also, cars are given names to make consumers associate them with speed and grace.
Examples are the Jaguar, the Cougar, and the Bobcat.
F. Even our political parties have adopted animals to represent them.
Which sentence is the topic sentence?
Americans express high agreement that pornography should be restricted.
B. An overwhelming 91% of all Americans think that the law should limit or forbid its distribution-- 48% favoring laws that forbid the distribution of pornography to persons under eighteen, and another 43% favoring laws that would keep pornography from people no matter what their age.
C. Females feel even more strongly about this matter than do males, with a full 50% wanting to entirely forbid its distribution.
Which sentence is the topic sentence?
A. The essence of many perfumes comes from the oils in the petals of fresh flowers, such as the rose, carnation, and orange blossom.
B. However, fragrances are not limited to the petal, but can come from the leaves of lavender, peppermint, and geranium.
C. Also, the oils of cinnamon and balsam are derived from bark, while the oils of cedar come from its wood.
D. The fragrance of ginger and sassafras comes from roots, and orange, lemon and nutmeg come from fruits and seeds.
E. There are many sources from which to derive fragrances for perfumes.
(In the following topic sentence, the controlling idea is "Digitalization".)Digitalization makes it easy for people to get access to the reading material.
A. √
B. ×
The CONTROLLING IDEA in the sentence “There are several advantages to read extensively” is__________.
A. why should we read extensively
B. there are
C. several advantages
D. to read extensively