adj. feeling ashamed because you have done sth that you know is wrong or have not done sth that you should have done
A. greedy
B. infinite
C. guilty
D. inefficient
n. a drawing or picture in a book, magazine, etc. especially one that explains sth
A. generator
B. fountain
C. illustration
D. gratitude
n. a row of bushes or small trees planted close together, usually along the edge of a field, garden/yard or road
A. helmet
B. hedge
C. gallery
D. heir
n. a structure from which water is sent up into the air by a pump, used to decorate parks and gardens/yards; a rich source or supply of sth
A. institution
B. guidance
C. foundation
D. fountain
adj. connected with God or a particular religion; good in a moral and religious way
A. guilty
B. ideal
C. holy
D. gloomy