

A. ぎんかてつどうのよる
B. ぎんがてつどうのよる
C. きんかてつどうのよる
D. きんがてつとうのよる



A. 1930年
B. 1926年
C. 1928年
D. 1934年


A. 銀河鉄道の夜
B. 風の又三郎
C. 注文の多い料理店
D. 雨ニモマケズ


A. 愛情
B. 自己を犠牲にして他者の幸福を願うこと
C. 「本当の幸せ」を追い求めて生きること
D. 友情

Read the followingclassification essay,find out the thesisstatement (主旨句),the categories (具体类别)and the principle of classification (分类原则/标准).Thesisstatement: .Six categories of moviegoers:.Principle of classification:.MoviegoersA moviegoer is a person who goes to watch movies. In order to know a moviegoer, there is a need to classify the types of movies these individuals are interested in. These movies can be categorized in the genres of informational, drama, action, adventure, epic, horror, crime, and musical. Some categories of movies are interrelated – for example, crime and action movies.Moviegoers can be classified by the genre of the movies they watch, though some individuals enjoy watching movies from more than one genre. More precisely, we can also classify moviegoers according to their behavior while viewing their movies of choice.The actions of moviegoers may prove to be annoying and irritating, at the same time causing distraction to those who are attentive and want to concentrate on the details of a movie. The first type is the kind of people who laugh at seemingly nothing. Anything in a movie, even somebody walking, tickles them inside and they laugh out aloud. This type of moviegoer causes a lot of distraction to the people watching the movie near them in cinemas or home environments.They may occasionally make apologies only to break their promise of keeping silent (Marich, 2009).There also exists the talkative type. These people come to watch a movie, but instead continue talking about issues that are not related to the movie. They may talk about school, work, their jobs, and recent happenings regardless of those around them.Another moviegoer variant is the know-it-all. They claim to know everything about the movie. These people will tend to speak out the next action in the movie from start to finish, telling audience members what will happen next and even say that they would have done better than the actors would (Percy, 1998). They focus on forecasting.Then we have the clueless type. This kind of moviegoer acts as if they do not know anything. They ask questions from the start, such as “Where is he going?” “What has happened?” and “Who brought him there?” They end up ruining the movie for those seated next to them by asking question after question throughout the movie instead of following the movie on their own (Percy, 2004).Mobile phone addicts represent another type. This category of moviegoers are obsessed with their cell phones. They are either texting or calling while the movie is in progress. They can spend half of the time of the movie on their phones either playing games, texting, or browsing the Internet. Consequently, someone might wonder why this moviegoer has misplaced priorities.Another type of moviegoer is one who acts as if they are at their own residence. They may even resort in awkward actions that should only be done in private places such as removing shoes regardless of the bad odor and talking loudly (Percy, 2011). These people are a great distraction especially to those who want to concentrate on the movie, as they disturb those around them with this kind of behavior.Dedicated moviegoers should always prepare themselves before leaving to watch movie at the cinema or at someone’s residence.It is important to note that moviegoers can most easily be categorized by their noticeable quirks of behavior, which is something that may be a cause for reflection on conduct when in a public cinema.
