Canyoutellme ______thefunctionofAnAutomaticGateMachineis?
A. what
B. how
C. something
D. anything
Wouldyouliketotellme ______Chengdu Subway System?
A. muchmore
B. moremuch
C. more
D. more about
This is an ________(换乘) station. please _______(照顾) your children and belongings. The last train to Tianfu Square from Xipu in Line 2 is _____(晚点) Due to an emergency, the station is temperarily ______(关闭) My passport is _____(丢失). Can you help me to find it
A. 热击穿
B. 电击穿
C. 电化学击穿
D. 老化击穿
A. 当电场很弱时,电流密度随电场强度的增加正比例地上升
B. 当电场逐渐增加电流密度不再因电场强度的增加而改变,达到饱和
C. 当电场逐渐增加伏安特性曲线逐渐偏离线性关系
D. 电流密度再次因电场强度的增加而上升,最后当电场强度达到某一临界值Em时,电流密度无限的增大,气体的绝缘性能丧失,介质被击穿