Onlineshoppinghasitsownlimitations,andsometimescanbeeven_____than buying in a store.
A. expensive
B. most expensive
C. more expensive
D. expensively
Whetheryouareworkingfromhomeorinanoffice,itisimportanttofeel_____ at your workspace .
A. comfortable
B. comfort
C. comforted
D. comforts
Doyou_____stayatthesamehotelwhenyoutraveltothesame city ?
A. normal
B. abnormal
C. normally
D. abnormally
Accordingtotheschedule,wemustgetourproject_____by Friday.
A. finish
B. finished
C. finishing
D. finishes
He said he would continue to support us _____ we didn’t break the rules.
A. aswell as
B. assoonas
C. asfaras
D. as longas