Laughter is needed in our lives and the lives of people around us. The more you make your friends ____, the more they will __________________________.
To be friendly and to be charming is not an art. The only need is to pay _________ attention to ourselves and ________ to others.
患者,男,58岁,因肺心病并发呼吸衰竭入院。入院查体神志清楚,动脉血气分析:PaO2 30 mmHg,PaCO2 60mmHg。吸氧后神志不清,昏迷,动脉血气分析PaCO2 70mmHg,又转变为80 mmHg。本例病情恶化的原因可能是 (1分)
A. 感染加重
B. 心力衰竭加重
C. 气道阻力增加
D. 氧疗不当
E. 周围循环衰竭