根据材料回答{TSE}题: 第三篇Hypertension Drugs Found to Cut Risk of Stroke Australian doctors declared Monday that a cocktail of simple antihypertensive drugs can lower therisk of patients suffering a repeat stroke hy more than a thir D. This is the result of their research. Theresearch, presented at a medical conference in Italy over the weekend, has been valued highly as a ma-jor breakthrough in stroke prevention. Strokes kill 5 million people a year, and more than 15 million suffer non-fatal strokes that oftenleave them with useless limbs, slurred speech and other serious disabilities. One in five stroke survi-vors goes on to have a second, often fatal, stroke within five years of the first. An international six-year study of 6, 100 patients directed from Sydney University found that bytaking two blood pressure-lowering drugs, the risk of secondary strokes can be reduced by up to 40per cent. Even taking one of the commonly available drugs can cut the risk by a third, the study said.The drugs are the diuretic indapamide and the ACE inhibitor1 perindopril, better known by its brandname Coversyl. The combination was effective even in patients who did not have high blood pressure,the researchers said. They even found that the risk of another stroke could be cut by three quarters a-mong the one-in-ten patients who had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, the worst type of stroke, wherethere is direct bleeding into the brain. Stephen McMahon, who presented the research at the Milan congress of the European Society ofHypertension, said about 50 million people were alive who had suffered at least one stroke. "If most ofthose patients were able to get access to this treatment, it would result in3 maybe the avoidance of half a million strokes a year," the professor told Australia's ABC Radio. McMahon said doctors had long known that lowering the blood pressure of those with hyperten-sion could help prevent strokes. "What we have shown for the first time is that it do.es not really mat-ter what your blood pressure is; if you have had a stroke, then lowering blood pressure will producelarge benefits, to begin with--even for people whose blood pressure is average or below average," hesaid. MeMahon said the Milan gathering had heralded the research as a "major breakthrough in the careof patients with strokes—perhaps the biggest step forward that we have made in the last couple of dec-ades". {TS} How many-peoples surviving the first stroke may suffer another attack during the following five years? A. More than 33% of them. B. Up to 40% of them. C. 20% of them.. D. 10% of them.
Both studies on flaxseed and ginseng show__________
Doctors in the US wanted to know__________
根据材料回答{TSE}题: 第二篇Prolonging Human Litre Prolonging human life has increased
A. an increase in birthrates
B. the industrial development
C. a decrease in death rates
D. cultural advances
根据材料回答{TSE}题: Ginseng Shows Benefits in Cancer Treatment Flaxseed slowed the growth of prostate tumors in men, while ginseng helped relieve the fatiguethat cancer patients often feel, US researchers reported on Saturday in two of the first scientificallyrigorous looks at alternative medicine. The studies reflect doctor's efforts to explore the risks and benefits of foods and supplements thatare routinely taken by their patients with little scientific proof they help. Americans spend between $36 billion and $ 46 billion year on complementary and alternative therapies, according to the NationalCenter for Health Statistics. "Patients are taking these compounds but we need to know if they are do-ing any good or any harm," said Dr. Bruce Cheson of Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, who led a panel on alternative therapies at a meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. In the flaxseed study, researchers at Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina and col-leagues evaluated the seed's role as a food supplement in 16I men who were scheduled to undergo sur-gery for prostate cancer. "The growth rate was decreased in the men who got flaxseed," said Dr. NancyDavidson, an oncologist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore who is president-elect of ASCO. "Ithink this is fascinating." Flaxseed is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and lignins, a fiber found on the seedcoat. "We were looking at flaxseed because of its unique nutrient profile," said Wendy Demark-Wah-nefried, a researcher in Duke's School of Nursing, who led the study. Half of the men in the study added 30 grams of flaxseed daily to their diets for about 30 days. Halfof the flaxseed group also went on a low-fat diet. After the surgery, the cancer ceils in both the flax-seed groups grew about g0 to 40 percent slower than the control group. But Demark-Wahnefried is not ready to prescribe flaxseed. "It's a healthy food. It has a lot of vita-mins and a lot of fiber. But we can not definitely say at this point you should take flaxseed because it isprotective against prostate cancer," she said, adding that flaxseed now needed to be studied to see if itcan prevent prostate cancer. In the ginseng trial, Debra Barton of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and colleaguestested three different does of the herb on patients with a variety of cancers who were expected to liveat least six months. Twenty-five percent of patients taking a 1, 000-my dose and twenty-seven percentof patients taking a 2, 000-mg does said their fatigue symptorns were "rnoderately better" or "muchbetter". Only 10 percent of those taking a 750-mg dose reported an improvement, which was about thesame as the placebo group. Patients on the trial took Wisconsin ginseng from a single crop that wastested for uniform. potency. It was powered and given in a capsule form. "I wouldn't have predictedthis, I have to admit," Davidson said in an interview. "We might want to test this in a large scale. The flaxseed study was funded by the National Institutes of Health and the ginseng study was supported by US Public Health Service grants. {TS}Paragraph 2__________