Which of the following is NOT true as for the preparation of products before attending a trade show()
A. One should be knowledgeable about the products
B. One should be prepared to answer the visitors’ questions about the products
C. One should be prepared to make a product presentation to the potential customers
D. One should prepare a formal suit
Which of the following is NOT the appropriate trade show etiquettes()
A. Greeting the visitors warmly
B. Wear professional uniform
Chat with other booth staff and ignore the coming visitors
D. Engaging the trade show visitors
Which of the following booth type is superior in location and can attract most of the visitors()
A. Peninsular booth
B. Island booth
C. Standard booth
D. Perimeter booth
Which of the following should be prepared before attending a trade show()
A. How to handle customers’ queries
B. How to attract customers into the stand
C. How to answer customers’ questions
D. How to hand a brochure and/or sample to every visitor of the stand
If baby toys are your major products and your company wants to explore the market in the United States, which of the following trade show is the most suitable one to attend()
A. Big Boys Toys New Zealand
B. Hong Kong Toys & Games Fair
C. New York Baby Show
D. Kids India