
听录音,选出每个句子中a发长元音/eɪ/的单词。Listen to the sentences and choose the words with the sound/eɪ/.Don’t put tape on the game.

A. Don’t
B. put
C. tape
D. on
E. the
F. game


听录音,选出每个句子中a发长元音/eɪ/的单词。Listen to the sentences and choose the words with the sound/eɪ/.We will have a bake sale.

A. We
B. will
C. have
D. a
E. bake
F. sale

听录音,选出每个句子中a发长元音/eɪ/的单词。Listen to the sentences and choose the words with the sound/eɪ/.I will rake the leaves at the lake.

A. I
B. will
C. rake
D. the
E. leaves
F. at
G. lake

听录音,选出每个句子中a发长元音/eɪ/的单词。Listen to the sentences and choose the words with the sound/eɪ/.Her name is Jane.

A. Her
B. name
C. is
D. Jane

听录音,选出每个句子中a发长元音/eɪ/的单词。Listen to the sentences and choose the words with the sound/eɪ/.I hate the cave that Dave went into.

A. I
B. hate
C. cave
D. that
E. Dave
F. went
G. into
