某房地产公司计划出租70套相同的公寓房.当每套房月租金定为3 000元时,这70套公寓能全租出去;当月租金每增加50元时(设月租金均为50元的整数倍),就会多一套房子不能出租.设租出的每套房子每月需要公司花费100元的日常维修等费用(设租不出的房子不需要花这些费用).要使公司获得最大利润,每套房月租金应定为( )
A. 3000元
B. 3300元
C. 3500元
D. 4000元
ListeningA boot camp is a place for training new recruits (新兵) in the United States. Now it can mean any very strict training center such as the one used for curing Internet addiction. Listen to the recording two or three times. Then fill in the blanks based on what you have heard to complete the following sentences. You might come across the new words in the box in the listening passage.1. China has many teenagers who have grown so dependent on the Internet that the country feels that Internet addiction (上瘾) is _________________ to its teenagers.2. According to a report released by Chinese experts, people with Internet Addiction Disorder spend _______________hours online doing something that is not related to their work or study.3. Boot camps have opened up in China since ___________. The camps aim to treat young addicts for their dependence on the Internet and video gaming.4. Professor Harwit of Asian Studies at the University of Hawaii says that Chinese parents are worried because they take ___________ very seriously. Some parents even drug their children to take them to the camps.5. Hilla Medalia, a filmmaker who has produced a documentary about the camps, says that the teenagers are doing something like military training at the camps, and that officials believe a sense of ___________is what patients need.
A. 大
B. 小
C. 一样
D. 不定
A. 对
B. 错
A. 胸前抱膝
B. 左右转膝仆步转体 俯蹲伸腿
C. 扶膝托掌