

A. 10mmHg
B. 20mmHg
C. 30mmHg
D. 40mmHg



某市政公司承包某路段的改建工程,全长1.5km,工期为当年7月至次年2月。 该路段为城市次干道,道路结构层:20cm石灰土底基层,30cm二灰碎石基层,6cm粗、3cm细沥青混凝土面层;两侧为彩色人行道石板。 项目部进场后,项目技术负责人即编制了实施性的施工组织设计,其中规定由项目部安全员定期组织综合安全检查。 该施工组织设计经企业技术负责人审批同意后,即开始工程项目的实施。 在实施过程中,项目部将填方工程分包给某工程队,当土方路基第一层填筑、碾压后,项目部现场取样、测试,求得该层土实测于密度,工程队随即进行上层填土工作。 监理工程师发现后,立即向该工程队发出口头指示,责令暂停施工。 整改完毕符合验收程序后,又继续施工。 在一次安全检查中,监理工程师发现一名道路工在电箱中接线,经查证,属违反安全操作规程。 按工程进展,沥青混凝土面层施工正值冬期,监理工程师要求项目部提供沥青混凝土面层施工措施。 沥青混凝土冬期施工可采取什么措施?

Contoso Ltd. has a single active directory forest that has five domains. Each domain has two DNS servers. Each DNS server hosts active directory-integrated zones for all five domains. All domain controllers run windows server 2008. Contoso acquires a company names tailspin toys. Tailspin toys has a single active directory forest that contains a single domain. You need to configure the DNS system in the contoso forest to provide name resolution for resources in both forests. What should you do?()

A. Configure client computers in the contoso forest to use the tailspin toys DNS server as the alternate DNS server.
B. Create a new conditional forwader and store it in active directory. Replicate the new conditional forwarded to all DNS server in the contoso forest.
Create a new application directory partition in the contoso forest. Enlist the directory partition for all DNS servers.
D. Create a new host (A) record in the globalnames folder on one of the DNS servers in the contoso forest. Configure the host (A) record by using by using the tailspin toys domain name and the ip address of the DNS server in the tailspin toys forest.


A. 链传动
B. v带传动
C. 多楔带传动
D. 平带传动
