吴某,女,41岁,工人,1996年3男15日就诊。 诉:胸胁部出现疱疹.伴刺痛4天,天前.感发热恶寒.全身不适,继而在右腰胁部出现小水疱,带状排列,刺痛,不能入睡,伴发热。口干,小便黄。 查:右腰胁部可见绿豆大水疱,排列成带状。舌红苔黄腻,脉弦数。
A. 胃良性溃疡复发
B. 胃溃疡癌变
C. 并发幽门梗阻
D. 穿透性溃疡
E. 胃溃疡穿孔
A. 轻型
B. 中型
C. 重型
D. 危重型
E. 非典型
A. 正确
B. 错误
You are a network technician at Certpaper.com. Which description is correct when you have generated RSA keys on your Cisco router to prepare for secure device management?()
A. You must then specify the general-purpose key size used for authentication with the crypto key generaters a general-keys modulus command.
B. You must then zeroize the keys to reset secure shell before configuring other parameters.
C. All vty ports are automatically enabled for SSH to provide secure management.
D. The SSH protocol is automatically enabled.