Alcohol is highly unusual ______ at least twenty percent of it is absorbed directly into the bloodstream.
A. in consequence of which
B. provided that
C. so that
D. in that
A. 败血症
B. 病毒性脑炎
C. 化脓性脑膜炎
D. 脑脓肿
E. 高热惊厥
A mother will arrive at the discovery, either instinctively or by an unconscious series of
A. holding
B. held
C. having held
D. being held
A. 3 年
B. 4 年
C. 5 年
D. 6 年
A. 用药前检查药物有无结晶
B. 缓慢静推或快速静滴
C. 勿将药液漏到血管外
D. 不与其他药物混合应用
E. 若药液中有结晶需加碱性液使其溶化