Which statement is TRUE,according to the Rules().
A vessel not under command shall keep out of the way of a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
B. A vessel not under command shall avoid impeding the safe passage of a vessel constrained by her draft
C. A vessel constrained by her draft shall keep out of the way of a vessel engaged in fishing
D. A vessel engaged in fishing while underway shall,so far as possible,keep out of the way of a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
A. 480℃
B. 650℃
C. 520℃
D. 550℃
A. 地表水主要是指渗入土地中的雨水
B. 松散层的裂隙涌水经常带有泥沙
C. 断层不一定成为地下涌水的通道
D. 砂岩、石灰岩通常成为裂隙水的主要通道
E. 老窑水经过一定时间后就可以疏干
A. 绝对误差
B. 相对误差
C. 引用误差
D. 计量误差
A. 正确
B. 错误