

A. 防止皮肤压力性溃疡发生
B. 保持呼吸道通畅,维持呼吸功能
C. 给予高蛋白、高热量、易消化的食物
D. 保持肢体功能位,防止足下垂
E. 预防感染,进行保护性隔离



A. 其户籍所在地人民政府
B. 其父母或法定监护人
C. 其父母工作地人民政府
D. 以上三者

The conversations which English people hold about the weather do not as a rule leave the participants any the wiser; only on rare occasions can information be said

A. is exchanged
B. to be exchanged
C. to have been exchanged
D. has been exchanged

The light, which otherwise______the invalid, was excluded from his chamber by means of shutters.

A. disturbed
B. had disturbed
C. would have disturbed
D. must have disturbed

We must keep up with the development of the worlds leading enterprises ______we can keep pace with the changing of the international situations.

A. before
B. unless
C. once
D. until
