What happens if Adams stops at Perth?
[A] He can't meet his friends.
[B] The flight goes without him.
[C] He has to pay more than 795 pounds.
[D] He can't stop at Hong Kong then.
The author mentions the incident that he once stole something to
[A] show how parents should deal with their children's fault.
[B] illustrate the importance of instilling children with the sense of shame.
[C] make known his past.
[D] warn parents to be cautious when they punish their children.
2008年,浙江省全年粮食播种面积和单产分别比上年增长0.1%和4.0%,粮食总产量为775. 55万吨,增长4.1%,其中晚稻总产量为601. 08万吨,增长5.6%(见下表)
主要经济作物有增有减。其中蔬菜播种面积618. 47千公顷,比上年下降6。4%;油料47. 67千公顷,棉花播种面积20. 34千公顷,分别比上年增长9.0%和8.1%。畜牧业生产增长较快,渔业生产稳定发展。全年肉类总产量为170.1万吨,比上年增长13.5%;水产品产量504. 64万吨,比上年增长0.9%,其中海水产品产量385. 13万吨,淡水产品产量92. 86万吨,远洋渔业26. 65万吨。
106. 2007年浙江省的粮食产量约为()。
A. 775. 55万吨
B. 745万吨
C. 601. 08万吨
D. 807万吨
● 某公司需要将4吨贵金属材料分配给下属的甲、乙、丙三个子公司(单位:吨)。据测算,各子公司得到这些材料后所能获得的利润(单位:万元)见下表: