
The full name for abbreviation CAD in the case study is ____.


Sternum can be divided as ____.

During what phase of the cardiac cycle is blood pressure typically lowest?

A. Coronary
B. Diastole
C. Systole
D. Ventricular
E. Atrial

A typical, healthy individual produces a systolic pressure between _____ and _____ millimeters of mercury.

A. 90; 120
B. 60; 80
C. 60; 120
D. 60; 90
E. 40; 60

Hypertension occurs when systolic and diastolic blood pressure regularly rises above _____ and _____ millimeters of mercury, respectively.

A. 120; 80
B. 140; 90
C. 80; 60
D. 120; 90
E. 130; 80
