
The calculation of the forward foreign exchange rate is()

A. Under the direct quotation, the spot exchange rate plus premium points and minus discount points
B. Under the indirect quotation, the spot exchange rate plus premium points and minus discount points
C. Under the indirect quotation, the spot exchange rate minus premium points and plus discount points
D. The longer the period, the greater the bid-ask spread


The gold standard refers to a monetary system based on gold. It mainly includes()

A. Gold coin standard
B. Gold bullion standard
Coin standard
D. Gold exchange standard

Which of the followings belong to the foreign exchange in a narrow sense()

A. Bank draft denominated foreign currency
B. Check denominated in foreign currency
C. Foreign exchange bank deposit
D. Special Drawing Rights (SDR)

Which of the followings do not belong to the foreign exchange in a narrow sense()

A. Bank draft and check in foreign currency
B. Special Drawing Rights (SDR)
C. Foreign currency securities
D. Foreign currency

Under the indirect quotation, the fluctuation of exchange rate is expressed by()

A. Changes in the amount of local currency
B. Changes in the amount of foreign currency
C. Decrease in the amount of local currency and increase in the amount of foreign currency
D. Increase in the amount of local currency and decrease in the amount of foreign currency
