
The right to privacy and personal freedom is _____ by the British()

A. disturbed
B. unquestioned
C. not allowed
D. questionable


The three royal traditions are the following _____()

A. playing the flute
B. the changing of the Queen’s guard
C. making a parliamentary speech by Queen
D. watching the horse racing

English people do not laugh at the following except _____()

A. a misfortune
B. a failure
C. a cripple
D. own faults

In Northern Ireland, St. Patrick’s Day has something to do with_____()

A. green color (everything in green color)
B. shamrock
C. New Year’s Eve
D. the Christian trinity

Where did the name of University of Oxford come from()

A. the scholar who named Oxford
B. the place ancient cattle herds waded
C. the river named Oxford
D. the local church named Oxford
