
Listen to five dialogues and choose the answer according to the question.

A. Helikeswatchingfootballgames
B. Helikestravelingwithhisfriends.
C. Hepreferstog0travelingalone.
D. Hepreferstostayathomewithhisfamily.


Listen to five dialogues and choose the answer according to the question.

A. Hewantstogetaticket.
B. Hehasfinishedareport.
C. Hecannotgotoseethemovie.
D. Hehasalreadyseenthemovie.

Listen to five dialogues and choose the answer according to the question.

A. Shewasmakingaphonecall.
B. Shewasdrivingtotheairport.I1709
C. Shewasworkinginheroffice.
D. Shewashavingameeting.

Which is best, an open plan office or otherwise?

A. The right office is required.
B. The right people are required.
C. The right situation is required.
D. The right balance is required.

Do younger people like open plan?

A. No, actually, most people prefer closing offices.
B. No, actually, most people prefer closed offices.
C. No, actually, most people prefer offices.
D. Yes, actually, younger people hate closed offices.
