
What does "sino" mean?

A. 新的
B. 神圣的
C. 合理的
D. 中国的


When was "Cina" mentioned in Sanskrit classics (梵文经典)?

A. 500 B.C
B. 400 B.C
C. 300 B.C
D. 200 B.C

Some scholars claim that China is so named because of a place famous for producing porcelain. What is the name of the place in the Tang dynasty?

A. 景德镇
B. 昌南
C. 昌北
D. 昌东

There is a consesus on "why our country is named China" in English

A. 对
B. 错

Some scholars claim that our country is named "China" because of the influence of " Empire of Qin "in the Chinese history.

A. 对
B. 错
