
凡需要结出余额的账户,结出余额后,应在“借或贷”栏内写明“借”或“贷”字样。没有余额的账户,只要在余额栏内用“0”表示即可。( )

A. 对
B. 错


采用补充登记法更正错账时,按正确的金额与错误金额的差额,用蓝字编制一张账户对应关系与原错误凭证相同的记账凭证,并用蓝字登记人账,以补记少记的金额。( )

A. 对
B. 错

在审查当年的记账凭证时,发现某记账凭证应借应贷的科目正确,但所记的金额大于实际金额,并已人账,可用红字更正法更正。( )

A. 对
B. 错

Which of the following statements is NOT true about "MINDSTORMS""?

A. It was developed by LEGO in partnership with MIT.
B. It is a kit of programmable bricks initially aimed at older users.
C. It blends motors, mechanics and computer technology.
D. It allows users to create and fashion a programmable robot.

As it turned out, what customer group did MINDSTORMS catch attention of?

A. Kids.
B. Techies.
C. Netizens.
D. Computer hackers.
