《大气污染物综合排放标准》(GB 16297—1996)中有关排气筒所排废气监测采样的时间和频次说法不正确《大气污染物综合排放标准》(GB 16297—1996)中有关排气筒所排废气监测采样的时间和频次说法不正确的是()。
A. 若某排气筒的排放为间断性排放,排放时间小于1 h,则应在排放时段内连续采样;或在排放时段内等时间间隔采集2~4个样品并计平均值
B. 若某排气筒的排放为间断性排放,排放时间大于1 h,则应在排放时间内按排气筒中废气的采样方法,以连续1 h的采样获取平均值;或在1 h内,以等时间间隔采集4个样品并计平均值
C. 若某排气筒的排放为连续性排放,以连续1 h的采样获取平均值
D. 若某排气筒的排放为连续性排放,在1 h内,以等时间间隔采集6个样品并计平均值
A. 可上市流通的凭证式国债的发行
B. 不可上市流通的国债发行
C. 可上市流通的凭证式国债的发行
D. 不可上市流通的凭证式国债的发行
A. 实现债权的费用
B. 转换的费用
C. 手续费
D. 交易的费用
The author's analogy between the mail-sorting system and chemistry would be LESS accurate
A. Very few pollutants are mobile, and most are confined to only single compartments.
B. All of the perturbations of the compartments by synthetic compounds are inconsequential.
C. The vast majority of synthetically-derived compounds affect all compartments of chemistry.
D. All chemical compounds have a more or less identical effect on all kinds of chemistry.
E. Most of the compartments in chemistry have already been identified.
Warm and diplomatic in manner, devoted to his wife and sons, Smith fits the stereotype of
A. philanthropic
B. bilious
C. unbiased
D. pacifistic
E. irrelevant