
There is controversy and misunderstanding about the proper functions of juvenile courts and their probation departments. There are cries that the whole process produces delinquents rather than rehabilitates them. There are speeches by the score about "getting enough" with the kids. Another large group thinks we should be more understanding and gentle with delinquents. This distrust of the services offered can be attributed in large part to the confusion in the use of these services throughout the country.
On the one hand, the juvenile courts are tried to the criminal court system, with an obligation to decide guilt and innocence for offenses specifically stated and formally charged. On the other, they have the obligation to provide treatment, supervision and guidance to youngsters in trouble, without respect to the crimes of which they are accused. These two conflicting assignment must be carried out——quite properly——in an informal, private way, which will not stigmatize a youngster during his formative years.
And, as the courts' preoccupation with the latter task has increased, the former (that of dispensing justice) has retreated, with the result grave injustices are bound to occur.
The title below that best expresses the ideas of this passage is _________.

A. Grave Injustices
B. A Problem for Today's Teenagers
C. Rehabilitating Youthful Criminal
D. Justice for Juvenile Offenders



A. 业主公约
B. 物业服务合同
C. 物业管理法规
D. 业主、住户手册


A. 缩短透析时间
B. 静脉推注50%葡萄糖
C. 用高钠、碳酸氢盐透析液
D. 应用镇静剂
E. 补充红细胞生成素

The Chinese of 3,500 years ago believed that the earth was a chariot, and the sky like a curved canopy stretched above it. The canopy was nine layers thick, and it sloped slightly to the northwest, as a cataclysm had broken one of its supporting columns. This gentle slope explained the movement of the stars from east to west.
According to these ancient Chinese beliefs, the sun spent the night on earth and ascended to the sky each morning from the luminous valley of the east by climbing the branches of an immensely tall sacred tree. To the Chinese people, the sun was the incarnation of goodness, beauty, and truth. In popular imagination, the sun was represented as a cock that little by little assumed human form. His battles with the dragons, which personified evil in their beliefs, accounted for the momentary disappearances of the sun that men now call eclipses. Many of the Chinese people worshiped the sun, but in the vast and complicated organization of the Chinese gods, the sun was of only secondary importance.
Along with these unsophisticated beliefs about the sun, the Chinese evolved a science of astronomy based upon observation——though essentially religious——which enabled them to predict eclipses of the sun and the movements of the stars. Such predictions were based on calculations made by using a gnomon——an object whose shadow could be used as a measure, as with a sundial or simpler shadow pointers. Moreover, with the naked eye, the Chinese observed sunspot, a phenomenon not then known to their contemporaries.
The sun's disappearances were thought to be caused by _________.

A. fights with cocks
B. fights with dragons
C. a scientific phenomenon
D. eclipses


A. 物业管理公司
B. 建设单位
C. 业主大会
D. 业主委员会
