5. … even though fixing water would help our energy, defense, and health problems.
A. … even though solving the water problem would help solve energy, defense and health problems.
B. … even though using water in an economical way would help solve energy, defense and health problems.
Choose the most appropriate words to complete the following sentences.(填写对应序号)1. Water could replace oil as the strategic resource that ____1____ geopolitical conflicts.2. That statement still rings in my ears today, not only because of her ___2_____ but also because she was exactly right.3. Now, the dawn of a new energy era is just around the corner --- with the prices of solar power going down, and ___3____ generation and energy efficiency on the point of taking off.4. We can foresee a time this century when water ____4_____ energy as the next great challenge for humanity.5. “If we could ever ___5____ --- at a cheap rate --- get freshwater from saltwater, it would be in the long-range interest of humanity and would really dwarf any other scientific accomplishments.”6. As Michael Webber argues, we need aggressive ___6____ to buy us time before scientists come up with affordable solutions.7. In 2003, the late Nobel Laureate Richard Smalley gave a lecture at Rice University’s Energy & Nanotechnology Conference ____7_____ humanity’s top 10 problems for the next 50 years.8. The reason energy and water sit at the top, ahead of food and poverty, is that addressing them makes ___8_____ problems easier to deal with.9. She turned off the faucet, made me an angry face at me, and ___9____, “Turn off the water, Daddy. The scientists need time.”10. That’s mainly because our great innovation apparatus has not been ____10___ to water.
1925年,( )当选为中华全国总工会执行委员会副委员长,先后参与领导了五卅运动、省港大罢工和武汉工人收回汉口英租界的斗争,成为工人运动的著名领袖。
A. 毛泽东
B. 刘少奇
C. 蔡和森
D. 陈赓
关于刘少奇的突出贡献,以下表述正确的是( )。
A. 开辟华北抗日根据地
B. 创建华中抗日根据地
C. 领导重建新四军军部
D. 创立共产党员修养理论
刘少奇党建理论的著名“三论”是指( )、( )和( )。
A. 《党论》
B. 《论共产党员的修养》
C. 《论党内斗争》
D. 《政治报告》