某新生儿出生后6小时。进行预防接种卡介苗的正确方法是( )
A. 前臂掌侧下段ID
B. 三角肌下缘ID
C. 三角肌下缘H
D. 上臂三角肌H
E. 臀大肌IM
患者,男,50岁。在建筑工地干活时被一铁钉扎伤,医嘱予以破伤风肌内注射,护士在给患者作破伤风过敏试验时,正确的是( )
A. 当皮丘直径大于1.5cm,红晕超过4cm时可以判断为结果阳性
B. 实验结果为阳性时,可做破伤风脱敏试验
C. 破伤风皮试液的浓度是1500IU/ml
D. 实验结果为阴性时,余液0.9ml与皮试剩余剂量做肌内注射
E. 当皮丘周围有伪足,痒感时可以判断为阳性
A. 注射破伤风抗毒素
B. 保持病室安静避光
C. 病情严重时应少食多餐
D. 密切观察病情
E. 做好消毒隔离
刘先生,注射青霉素后感到胸闷、气急,护士发现患者面色苍白、冷汗、发结,血压60/40mmHg。此时,护士应立即为患者安置( )
A. 半坐卧位
B. 中凹卧位
C. 头低足高位
D. 头高足低位
E. 截石位
Sally Johnes is one of Dr Hehn's patient's. She is going on holiday to the Caribbean and need immunization against hepatitis A. Before the doctor gives Sally the injection, she ask Anna to do a blood test.A: Anna S:SallyA: Good morning.S: Good morning. I’m Sally Jones. I have an appointment for a blood test.A: Oh, yes, Ms Jones. Would you like to go to straight into the treatment room? I’ll get Dr Hehn an d we can take the blood sample straight away.S: Oh, right.A: So, Ms Jones. Could you 1your jumper and 2 your sleeve, please?S: Is that high enough?A: That’s fine. Now, I’m just 3 a tourniquet before I take the sample. Does that feel OK? Not too tight?S: No, it’s OK.A: Good. And now the needle. This might hurt a little bit. There we are. There that’s it. Now we can 4 the tourniquet, 5 the needle and we’re done.S: Great.A: Could you just hold this cotton wool swab on your arm for a minute or two, please?S: Sure.A: Right. Let’s 6 a plaster and then we’re done. So, that’s it.