The British government ministers are responsible to _____ for the work of their department.
A. Parliament
B. the House of Lords
C. the Cabinet
D. the Privy Council
The Conservative and the Labour parties have been in power by turns ever since the end of __________.
A. the Second World War
B. the 19thcentury
C. the end of the First World War
D. 1960s
Constitutional monarchy began after the Glorious Revolution in _____.
A. 1215
B. 1265
C. 1485
D. 1688
On the Great Seal of the USA, the eagle holds ___ arrows on its left talon.
A. 13
B. 10
C. 50
D. 5
Of the five Great Lakes, Lake _______ is wholly within the US.
A. Superior
B. Michigan
C. Huron
D. Erie