A. 《论人民民主专政》
B. 《实践论》
C. 《井冈山的斗争》
D. 《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》
A. 中国的无产阶级根本不可能像在资本主义国家那样,先在城市经过长期的、公开的合法斗争,然后再组织武装起义,夺取政权
B. 中国革命的主要斗争形式只能是武装斗争,以革命的武装消灭反革命的武装,相应的主要组织形式必然是军队
C. 必须充分地发动农民,否则就无法摧毁帝国主义和封建地主阶级反动统治的基础
D. 农民作为同盟军是不可靠的,这就要求无产阶级及其政党必须深入农村,从解决农民的土地问题入手
"In Memoriam"is often regarded as the most important of 1 's longer poems. It started as2 in memory of Arthur Hallam and grew into a full expression of the poet's3and4views.
Identify the author and title of the following text.Author; TitleThe wrinkled sea beneath him crawls:He watches from his mountain walls,And like a thunderbolt he falls.
One of Alfred Tennyson's best-known poems,, is written on the theme of his own death in his eighty-first year.