
a. feeling happy and confident about yourself or a particular situation; v. to obtain or achieve sth. , especially when this means using a lot of effort

A. sacred
B. scold
C. screw
D. secure


n. the state of needing sb. /sth. in order to survive, be successful, etc. ; the fact of being able to rely on sb. /sth.

A. reliance
B. submarine
C. spectacle
D. senate

vt. to change sth. good into sth. bad, unpleasant, useless, etc.

A. specific
B. rigid
C. spoil
D. relieve

v. to move or turn around a central fixed point;

A. spill
B. scold
C. reproduce
D. rotate

n. a loose soft shoe that you wear in the house

A. sphere
B. slipper
C. shepherd
D. sparrow
