If you have any information regarding the identity of the man ----- left his car parked in the lot overnight, please contact the security department.()
A. who
B. whom
C. whose
D. which
A. 肝脏坏死点
B. 胃壁水肿
C. 淋巴结肿大出血
D. 胃壁水肿
E. 绒毛心
A. 小草虽然是微不足道的角色,它却以顽强的生命力为世人所钦佩和赞颂
B. 曹文轩的许多作品都会把关注的重点放在一些小巧玲珑的生活细节上 。
C. 他们两人的爱好、 处事方法迥然不同 。谁也没法了解谁, 谁也没法改变谁 。
D. 传说中开天辟地的盘古, 只是众神之一, 影响不大,从未享受过顶礼膜拜的待遇 。
The government agency looks control of the oil industry in a desperate attempt to ----- the wildly fluctuating market prices.()
A. acquire
B. stabilize
C. assemble
D. translate