
某工程项目承包合同采用可调价单价合同。根据合同约定,总工期为9个月,工程预付款为原合同总价的10%,主要材料、构件所占比重为65%;若子项工程的实际工程量超过估计工程量 10%时可调价,调价系数为0.9。各工作的估计丁程量及承包商提出的工程量清单计价表如表 5-5所示。
该工程在施工过程中发生如下事件: (1)A工作遇到了地质报告中没有探明的地下障碍物,地下障碍物处理没有延长A工作的时间,但是增加了施工成本1万元。 (2)承包商为了提高基础工程的质量,提高B工作的混凝土强度等级,导致增加施工成本1.6万元。 (3)F工作施工1个月后,因业主要求修改设计,致使工作F停工待图2个月。 针对以上情况,承包商提出的索赔申请如表5-7所示。 表5-7 承包商提出的索赔申请有关数据表


We live in a society which there is a lot of talk about S1.______
science, but I would say that there are not 5 percent of the
people who are equipped of schooling, including college, to S2.______
understand scientific reasoning. We are more ignorant of
science as people with comparable education in Western Europe. S3.______
There are a lot of kids who know everything about
computers—how to build them, how to take them apart,
and how to write programs for games.
So if you ask them to explain the principles of physics S4.______
that have gone into creating the computer, you don't have S5.______
the faintest idea. The failure to understand science leads to
such things like the neglect of human creative power. It al- S6.______
so takes rise to blurring of the distinction between science S7.______
and technology. Lots of people don't distinguish from the two. S8.______
Science is the production of new knowledge that can be
applied or not, and technology is the application of knowledge
to the production of some products, machinery or the like.
The two are really very different, and people who have the
faculty for one very seldom have a faculty for another. S9.______
Science in itself is harmless, more or less. But as
soon as it can provide technology, it is net necessarily S10.______
harmful. No society has yet learned to forecast the consequences
of new technology, which can be enormous.

A—Business As Usual B—Bike For Hire
C—Cameras Forbidden D—Children And Women First
E—For Inspection Only F—Wet Paint
G—Guard Against Fire H—No Smoking
I—Don't Spit On The Floor. J—Closed For Holiday
K—Danger, Keep Out. L—Keep Off The Grass.
M—Handle With Care N—Inspections Welcome
O—House To Let P—Hands Off the Exhibits
Q—Line Up For Tickets R—No Admittance
S—Not For Sale T—Seat By Number
51. () 危险,请勿入内 () 小心火灾
52. () 房屋出租 () 假日暂停营业
53. () 勿踏草坪 () 照常营业
54. () 不得触摸展品 () 禁止拍照
55. () 欢迎检查 () 小心轻放

Once you are hired by a company, you will probably have business cards. A business card is

Attucks, Crispus
