WhatinspirationdoyouthinkthecontemporarydoctorscandrawfromFildes' timelesspaintingTheDoctor?
B. Goodcommunicationskillsmatter.
C. Treatingpatientswiththeirprofessionalismistheonlydutyofdoctors.
D. Thephysician'srolewasaproviderofmedicationandsurgeryinlate1890s.
Paralanguagedescribesnon-verbal communication between people, bringing attention to the omportance of "how" words are said. It includes volume, pitch, __________, rhythm, and speed.
A. tone
B. voice
C. rhyme
D. intonation
A. narrator
B. hiddenwriter
C. character
D. reader
Thefundamentalgoalsofthepatient-physician relationship are to assist the patient's own __________, relieve suffering, and foster healthy behaviours.
A. desiretolive
B. healingpowers
C. prognosis
D. curability
In the late 19th century, the physician's was only a provider of compassion.
A. 对
B. 错