

A. 环境领域 设备领域
B. 公共领域 非公共领域
C. 商业领域 建设领域
D. 环境领域 商业领域


听力原文: Some of the notebooks George Washington kept as a young man are still in existence. They show that he was learning Latin, was very interested in the basics of good behavior. in society, and was reading English literature.
At school he seems only to have been interested in mathematics. In fact his formal education was surprisingly brief for a gentleman, and incomplete. For unlike other young Virginian gentlemen of that day, he did not go to the College of William and Mary in the Virginian capital of Williamsburg. In terms of formal training then, Washington contrasts sharply with some other early American presidents such as John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. In later years, Washington probably regretted his lack of intellectual training. He never felt comfortable in a debate in Congress, or on any subject that had nothing to do with everyday, practical matters. And because he never learned French and could not speak directly to the French leaders, he did not visit the country he admired so much. Thus, unlike Jefferson and Adams, he never reached Europe.
Washington felt uncomfortable in Congress debates because he_______.

A. lacked practice in public speaking
B. felt his education was inadequate
C. disliked arguing and debating with people
D. felt the others were impractical


A. 城镇体系
B. 城乡发展
C. 城镇发展
D. 城乡体系


A. 纵向受力钢筋外皮至混凝土边缘的距离
B. 纵向受力钢筋中心至混凝土边缘的距离
C. 箍筋外皮至混凝土边缘的距离
D. 箍筋中心至混凝土边缘的距离


A. 社会分工 多样性
B. 劳动分工 协调性
C. 社会分工 协调性
D. 劳动分工 多样性
