好的旗袍一定要用柔软的丝绸。大方的织锦手工制作。Fine Qipao are ____ with soft silk and intricate brocade.
选择合适的面料是制作旗袍的首要步骤。做一件旗袍要量26个尺寸,在加上盘扣的搭配代表着旗袍主任的品味。____ is the first step to make a Qipao. 26 ____ must be measured to make a Qipao and ____ the master
旗袍的一零多呈弧形变现女性颈部柔软纤细的特点.凤凰、飞鸟、绿叶、兰花丰富的图案. 百年来,旗袍的惊艳从不褪色The collars of Qipao are always curved to ____ the ___ of the female’s neck. Popular ____ on Qipao include phoenix, birds, leaves and flowers. The ____ beauty of Qipao has lasted for more than a century
A. 布尔型数据
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