
In 2005, the first successful _________ transplant was done by Dr. P. N. Mhatre in Wadia Hospital, Mumbai, India.

A. liver
B. uterus
C. penis
D. ovarian



A. 1978
B. 1980
C. 1981
D. 1985

IntheUSA,morethan________peopledieeachyear due to lackof donated organs.

A. 5,000
B. 6,000
C. 8,000
D. 10,000

The National Organ Transplant Act was passed in ______ in the USA.

A. 1980
B. 1982
C. 1984
D. 1988

In addition to their sick and annual leave, federal executive agency employees in the USA are entitled to ____ days paid leave for organ donation.

A. 15
B. 21
C. 30
D. 45
