每日一句长难句(8)Another story says the phrase "rule of thumb" originated with wood workers who used the length of their thumbs rather than rulers for measuring things.
每日一句长难句(9)Some of the biggest venture capital firms are raising large funds, targeting more established companies, and increasingly setting their sights abroad.
每日一句长难句(10)Some big manufacturers and service companies may have become too lean in their relentless drive to reduce costs, outsourcing not just their non-core activities but essential ones too.
A. 摆动类手法
B. 摩擦类手法
C. 挤压类手法
D. 叩击类手法
E. 运动关节类手法
A. 要顺应、符合关节的各自生理功能
B. 发力时机要准,用力要适当
C. 扳法在实施扳动时,所施之力必须用“巧力寸劲”
D. 实施扳动时必须听到关节弹响
E. 在实施扳法前需放松关节