在公共场合中, 不可以忘乎所以、为所欲为,不可以高谈阔论、( )。
A. 窃窃私语
B. 小声说话
C. 轻声说话
D. 大声喧哗
_________ Period Hypothesis states that if humans do not learn a foreign language before a certain age, it becomes impossible to learn the foreign language like a native speaker.
_______ pairs are pairs of words which have only one sound different from each other.
导游着装应注重服装色彩的搭配。一般来说,( )是服饰搭配最常见的三种颜色,它们是最容易与其他颜色的服装搭配并产生良好的视觉效果。
A. 黑、黄、白
B. 黑、灰、白
C. 黑、蓝、白
D. 黑、青、白
The most important thing in practising stress is making the students aware of _____ to stress the word or phrase.