新时代巩固发展爱国统一战线工作,就要支持民主党派加强思想、组织、制度特别是领导班子建设,提高( )、解决自身问题能力。
A. 政治把握能力
B. 参政议政能力
C. 组织领导能力
D. 合作共事能力
全面贯彻党的宗教工作基本方针,就要引导宗教人士努力为促进( )、祖国统一服务。
A. 经济发展
B. 社会和谐
C. 文化繁荣
D. 民族团结
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
Please correct the underlined errors.Transportation in my country is very (1) difficulty to use. There are several buses, but they are always (2) congestion with riding people. The (3) arrivings and (4) departings are rarely on schedule. The taxis are no better because the (5) pay for a trip is too high. Most people (6) have a prefer share a ride. The government (7) regulations drivers.However, no one does (8) inspect to see if they are following the regulations. Most people prefer the inter-city train that (9) connectors the neighborhoods of the city. The train (10) attenders keep the train clean and safe. The other option is to walk and use local shopping and services.