

A. 意识障碍:烦躁或嗜睡、昏睡、昏迷等
B. 口唇樱桃红→苍白或发绀
C. 呼吸深快或不规则
D. 肌张力下降


Why don’t you think print newspapers _______ against social media?

A. stand a chance
B. are limited to
C. depend on
D. get ahead

If you wish to _____ a specific e-book for individual use, please click the Buy button on the site.

A. get
B. check
C. purchase
D. sell

It’s ____ that is drawing people to e-books and that is what will kill printed books.

A. format
B. quality
C. price
D. number

Pride and Prejudice ____ second in a recent survey in the UK where people were asked to name their favorite book.

A. come along
B. came in
C. come cross
D. come in
