有以下程序int fun(int a,int b){if(a>b)return(a);else return(b);}main( ){int x=3,y=8,z=6,r;r=fun(fun(x,y),2*z);printf(“%d\n”,r);}程序运行后的输出结果是( )。
以下程序的输出结果是()。void fun(intx,inty,intz){z=x*x+y*y;}main( ){inta=31;fun(5,2,a);printf(“%d”,a);}
A. 14
B. 12
C. 31
D. 无定值
A. 对
B. 错
She said (that) her sister would be back the following evening.She said, “___ sister__ be back tomorrow evening.”
A. herwould
B. my/
C. herwill
D. mywill
The secretary asked what my occupation was. The secretary asked, “What ___ ___ occupation?”
A. ismy
B. wasmy
C. wasyour
D. isyour