There is little, ______ , water in the desert.
A. if never
B. if ever
C. if not
D. if any
It is dishonest of you to take ______ for work that was done by others.
A. credential
B. credibility
C. credence
D. credit
When we married we didn’t have a ______ , so we bought all our furniture second-hand.
A. tomato
B. carrot
C. bean
D. pea
A. 《论语》
B. 《孟子》
C. 《庄子》
D. 《战国策》
A. 爱人、知人
B. 己所不欲,勿施于人
C. 居处恭,执事敬,与人忠
D. 朴素而天下莫能与之争美