
我花了十分钟给李总在线预订了一个宾馆套房。It took me ten minutes to________ suiteonline for President Li.


Leaving a carbon footprint that is as small as possible is one of the best ways for people to help conserve the environment. Anyone can lower his/her owncarbon footprint by making small changes to his/her daily life. For example,driving less, eating local foods, using less electricity, and recycling alllower the amount of carbon emissions.Question: people can conserve the environment by driving less, eatinglocal foods, using less electricity, and recycling all lower the amount of carbon emissions.

A. 对
B. 错

In Asia, leaving a low carbon footprint is becoming very popular. More and more people are thinking of new ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Some people even share their ideas online.Question: People in Asia don’t care about leaving a low carbon footprint.

A. 对
B. 错

One of the most creative ideas about low carbon footprints was derived from the inspiration of a Japanese man named Mitsuji Chinen. He decided to grow grass on the top of his car so as to keep him cool while driving in the summer.It took him months of trying many different kinds of grass before the grass started to grow. Ultimately, he solved all the problems and today he drives around the city with healthy grass on his car roof.Question: A certain Japanese man created the idea of reducing the carbon footprints of cars by growing grass on the top of his car.

A. 对
B. 错

A hotel in Shanghai was built with the materials from an old post officeto reduce the amount of CO2 the construction would cause. The guests will be toldhow much CO2 they have emitted during their stay at the hotel. They can pay tohave trees planted in Inner Mongolia to reduce their carbon footprint.Question: The guests who once stayed the hotel should pay some money forplanting some trees in Inner Mongolia.

A. 对
B. 错
